Earthbound Light - Nature Photography from the Pacific Northwest and beyond by Bob Johnson
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Photo Tips

Some of the major site updates so far ... 

January 28, 2007 - More new images now available in the Portfolio section And to celebrate, prices in the Store have been lowered! Enjoy.

January 25, 2006 - Another huge batch of new images have been added to the Portfolio section including ones from the Painted Hills of Oregon, Olympic National Park, the Badlands of South Dakota and elsewhere. Enjoy.September 2, 2005 - PhotoTip articles are now available translated into Español , Deutsch, Français, Italiano and Português. Translation courtesy of Google Language Tools.

October 23, 2004 - Finally, I have added new images to the Portfolio. Nearly 100 of them from Washington's Palouse region and other northwest locations, Canada, Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, Glacier National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park and elsewhere. Lots of wildlife shots too. If all goes well, the next update should be a lot sooner too.

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May 21, 2004 - Due to popular request, each article in the Phototips section now includes a link to a "Printer Friendly Version" that will format the article more for printing instead of screen viewing.

April 17, 2004 - You can now search the full text of articles posted in the PhotoTips section. Additionally, you can subscribe to the weekly PhotoTips via the new RSS feed. The RSS feed also makes it possible for you to incorporate PhotoTips into your own website or blog under a Creative Commons License.

Now maybe I should get around to adding some new images, shouldn't I?

July 25, 2003 - A total of 39 new images are now available for viewing. A new Site Map page has also been added to make navigating the site even easier.

April 9, 2003 - Ordering your favorite prints from Earthbound Light just got a lot easier: the Online WebStore is now officially open for business. It took me far longer than anticipated, but I've always been more interested in quality than simply getting something done. Let me know how you like it.

January 20, 2003 - As this new year begins, updates to Earthbound Light continue. I have greatly expanded book recommendations which you can see here. I will also now be writing some articles for Photofocus Magazine.

November 28, 2002 - Yes, after much delay, I have added over 75 new images to the Portfiolio section today. Enjoy.

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September 26, 2002 - Updates to the Portfolio section to store data in MySQL (as does much of the rest of the site now) and lay the foundation for finally getting the Store up and running. My apologies for taking a while to get this done, but I've been doing a lot of shooting over the summer. Expect to see the results in the Portfolio soon, but in the mean time you can see a few new images at Improved Portfolio Search now available too!

July 23, 2002 - Greatly expanded LInks section now online. Look for more images in the Portfolio and yes, the Web Store soon.

March 16, 2002 - New "Yosemite" and "Colorado Rockies" portfolios added, along with several other new images.

November 18, 2001 - Addition of the new "Yellowstone and Grand Tetons" portfolio with 49 new images. "Mt. Rainier and the Cascade Range" also split into separate "Mt. Rainer and the Central Cascades" and "North Cascades" portfolios to allow room for future growth. A handful of other new images were added a few weeks ago as well, so I've been busy lately.

October 21, 2001 - The launch of the new PhotoTips section. The site has also been moved to a new hosting company so you should see improved response times.

August 2, 2001 - 13 new images added to the Portfolio along with an image search function and a "new images" page. This "Updates" page added.

July 14, 2001 - Earthbound Light was officially launched to much acclaim after many too many long nights putting it together. Comments added.

March 29, 2001 - Book reviews and recommendations added. I've read quite a few photography books over the years, so take a peek here to find out about my favorites.

March 8, 2001 - The Support pages were added.

February 27, 2001 - The About page finally added.

October 27, 2000 - The Portfolio page launched.

October 7, 2000 - finally up on the web. The portfolio wasn't there yet or anything, but the navigation bar worked and the basic look and feel was complete (OK, so I spent most of the fall out taking pictures).

July 10, 2000 - Domain name registered. Beginnings of work on the site design.


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Nature Photography from the Pacific Northwest and beyond by Bob Johnson


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